
Tag: Donald Trump (page 3)

Trump Victory Press Conference

Trump wine, Trump Water and a butcher block of Trump Steaks line the podium where Donald Trump is about to speak about his victories today in Michigan and Mississippi.

This is a small press conference with a limited number of invited guests.

He enters to big cheers. He's never had such horrible lies spread about him in one week. The public is brilliant, they knew they were lies immediately. [More...]

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Hyperventilating Over Trump

The Trump opposition forces are in full swing mode. Now they say his asking rally goers to raise their right hand (as if in a courtroom) and swear to vote for him is an intentional play on the Nazi salute.

Michael Bloomberg has joined the Anti-Trump forces:

"I have known Mr. Trump casually for many years, and we have always been on friendly terms," Bloomberg said in his Monday announcement. "But he has run the most divisive and demagogic presidential campaign I can remember, preying on people’s prejudices and fears. Abraham Lincoln, the father of the Republican Party, appealed to our 'better angels.' Trump appeals to our worst impulses."


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Trump's Big Orlando Rally

After the Kentucky results came in last night, Trump gave a press conference (see my last post for a recap.) During it, he touted his campaign rally in Orlando earlier in the day. He said there were 20k people at the event, and they turned another 10k people away. This got me curious. Who goes to these rallies, and what does he say at them that makes so many people want to attend? Does he give the same speech at his rallies that he does during debates and in press conferences?

To answer my questions, I watched his very long speech in Orlando. I'm assuming you won't want to, so here's a recap.

His opening words were like a shout out to the uneducated (who of course wouldn't realize it.) He said:

We're not going to be the stupid country anymore. We're not going to be the stupid people anymore. We're going to be a smart people.


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Trump Calls on Rubio to Drop Out, Supports Waterboarding and Torture

Donald Trump is giving a press conference from Palm Beach, following his wins today in Louisiana and Kentucky. He congratulated Ted Cruz on his two wins (Maine and Kansas) and says it's time to make it a 2 person contest, between him and Cruz.

Trump calls on Rubio to drop out. He says Rubio has to get out of the race, it's time. He hasn't won anything. He says he is saying this respectfully.

Trump says he will beat Cruz. (He says it's no surprise he didn't win Kansas and Maine since he only spent 2 hours in each state. He was in Kansas this morning.) Cruz cannot take New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania or California.[More...]

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Trump's Super Tuesday Press Conference: He's a "Unifier"

Trump finally takes the stage, 40 minutes late. Christie opens for him, saying nothing of import. Trump begins with it's so good to be at Mar a Lago again. He congratulates Ted Cruz for Texas (but doesn't mention Oklahoma, which was also called for Cruz before he took the stage.) He says it was a tough night for Rubio. Trump says he will spend a lot of time in Florida, and reminds us how many employees he has there. He goes into Henny Penny mode, America is falling apart. (Christie, now standing behind him, grins like a little kid when Trump mentions his name three times. He looked genuinely happy for five seconds.) [More...]

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Super Tuesday: Trump vs. Republicans

The Republican party is imploding at the realization that it's been hijacked by Donald Trump. So many news articles are leading with the question of whether it's too late to stop him, or how he has turned the presidential primaries into a reality show, and how debased the conversation has become, as he's managed to drag his opponents with him into the mud. Others are questioning whether Republican legislators will be able to back him or work with him.

I'm not sure it matters whether Trump is the ultimate nominee. It seems like he's already shot the party through its heart. [More...]

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Trump Calls for Apple Boycott

Donald Trump, calls for a boycott of Apple because it won't turn over the encryption code to the San Bernadino shooters' phone.

While his views on Apple are about as important as one grain of sand is to a whole beach, his views as a whole seem to be swaying Republicans. He's leading with one-third of the early Republican vote.

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The Pope and Donald

Maybe it was a slow news day, but CNN really seemed to want to crank up this story about the Pope's criticism of Donald Trump on immigration and make it have legs:

Asked if American Catholics should vote for someone with Trump's views, Francis said, "I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt."

Much ado about nothing. Slightly more entertaining was Trumps' statement that the Vatican is in ISIS' cross-hairs and ripe for an attack, and that after it gets attacked, it will realize that had Trump been President, the attack would never have happened because ISIS would have been taken out. [More....]

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Trump's Iowa Speech: Iowa We Love You

"I think I might come here and buy a farm."

The gracious Donald Trump showed up tonight. He loves Iowans. He congratulates the others. He loves New Hampshire and South Carolina.

His wife looks gorgeous. His sons are on hand, they've been in Iowa giving speeches. I think Ivanka was on the left with her husband but I was typing and didn't really see. (Corrected: His daughter with Marla Trump is not Vanessa but Tiffany. So I have no idea who the blond was with his sons.)

Trump says he will get the Republican nomination and beat Hillary or Bernie or "whoever the hell they throw up."

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Does Donald Trump Have a Screw Loose?

Is something wrong with Donald Trump? Who makes these kinds of comments?

Donald Trump launched an aggressive attack on Hillary Clinton on Monday night, saying she was "disgusting" for using the restroom during the latest Democratic debate and that she was "schlonged" by a male political opponent.

... "She was favored to win, and she got schlonged," Trump said, turning a vulgar noun for a large p*nis into a verb.

"Schlonged?" I haven't heard that word since I was a kid. And why is it so "disgusting" that Hillary went to the bathroom? My response: Beware of the candidate who thinks his sh*t doesn't stink.

Ivanka should come out and disassociate herself from her father's spew of garbage. He is beginning to sound out of control.

If you respond in comments, please do not use profanity, as your comment will be deleted. You may use asterisks in place of a letter or two as I have done. [More...]

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Time's ShortList for Person of the Year

Al Baghdadi and Donald Trump are on Time Magazine's shortlist for Person of the Year.

They are two peas in a pod in some ways -- one insists everyone practice his preferred brand of Islam, while the other finds any kind of Muslim entering the U.S. to be unacceptable.

As for Person of the Year, since all Trump has done is talk about himself on the campaign trail, I'd give it to al Baghdadi, who has actually done something even if it's a negative: He's instilled fear in the heart of every Western Government and many civilians in his neck of the woods, which includes great swathes of Iraq, Syria, and soon to include Libya. He took on al Qaida and beat them to the Caliph punch, leaving them way behind in second place. Al Baghdadi has also created a governing state in many provinces --Trump has no such governing experience.

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Donald Trump Unhinged

Has Donald Trump come completely unglued? He's calling for a total ban on Muslims entering the U.S. He wants the ban to last:

until the nation’s leaders can “figure out what is going on” after the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, California

He's so ignorant. But maybe he just shot himself in the foot. Having already alienated Black, Latino and female voters, he's just added Muslim voters to the list of votes he'll never get in a general election, should Republicans be foolish enough to nominate him.

While there may not be enough Muslim voters in New York and California to make a difference, according to a report on the 2012 election, there are enough of them in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, Florida and Ohio to have an impact.

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